Informative and inspiring blog posts
I talk about everything Technology, Digital, Business, Brand, Marketing and growth.
Best CRM Software Of 2024
Top CRM Software of 2024: Zoho, Salesforce,
CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management Here are a list...
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Charting Your Own Course: The Power of Moral Courage and Integrity
The Power of Moral Courage and Integrity is a powerful...
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Podcast: Episode 21: Building and Nurturing Brand Communities
In this episode, I was honoured to be joined by Ziv...
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A strong passion for technology and marketing
A member of the Internet marketing association (IMA) and the American Marketing Association (AMA)

With over Ten years of direct experience in the I.T, Financial Services, Fintech, and Marketing industries, in various capacities in business development, account management, sales, lead generation, and marketing, I had the opportunity of building partnerships with Governments, Large, Medium, Small-Scale Businesses and retail entities across three continents. I am skilled, experienced, and knowledgeable in designing and executing strategies vital to business success.

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Business and Individual Support

I help individuals and businesses adapt, improvise, overcome, grow and succeed in this modern world.

Positive Impact

My mission is to inspire people and businesses to reach their goals and positively impact the world around them.

Market Knowledge

I keep up with the latest marketing and technology trends, providing new strategies to grow a business.

Client Success

I always strive to do my best and be a valuable contributor to the success of my clients.

One Thing About Life

One thing about Life podcast provides content that is fully centered around Marketing, Branding, Technology, Business… and many more.

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Mini-Series Saas Marketing Metrics

A mini-series covering, Churn and Retention rate, Conversion rate, MRR & ARR

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